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Encyclopedia of human intelligence  Cover Image Book Book

Encyclopedia of human intelligence

Sternberg, Robert J. (Added Author).


This two-volume set contains over 250 articles of varying lengths dealing with all aspects of human intelligence.


Abecedarian project / Craig T. Ramey
Abilities and aptitudes / Richard E. Snow
Ability grouping / Karen B. Rogers
Abstraction / Patrick C. Kyllonen
Achievement testing / Michael Zieky
Adaptive behavior / Henry Leland
Adaptive behavior, Assessment of / Mary diSibio
Adulthood, Achievement in / Richard Wagner, Rufus L. Carter
African Americans / Melvin N. Wilson
Age and the content of intelligence tests / Bert Hayslip, Jr.
Aging and intelligence / Ulman Lindenberger, Paul B. Baltes
Agnosia / Carol J. Schramke
Alcohol and alcohol abuse / Sara Jo Nixon, Oscar A. Parsons
American Association on mental retardation / Pamela Woodley-Zanthos, Alfred A. Baumeister
American College Test / James Maxey
Anastasi, Anne / Florence Denmark
Animal intelligence : historical perspectives and contemporary approaches / Louis M. Herman, Adam A. Pack
Animal intelligence : primate / Duane M. Rumbaugh, David A. Washburn
Anxiety / Charles D. Spielberger, Sumner J. Sydeman
Aphasia / George W. Hynd, Scott S. Rubin
Aptitude tests / Robert J. Gregory
Aptitude-treatment interaction / Richard E. Snow
Armed services vocational aptitude battery / Gerald Larson
Army alpha and beta tests of intelligence / Frederick L. McGuire
Artificial intelligence / Roger Schank
Artistic ability : children's drawings / Claire Golumb
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Item details

  • ISBN: 0028974077 (set : alk. paper) :
  • ISBN: 9780028974071 (set : alk. paper)
  • Physical Description: print
    2 v. (xxviii, 1235 p.) : ill ; 29 cm.
  • Publisher: New York : Macmillan ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan International, c1994.

Contents / Notes

Bibliography, etc. Note: Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted Contents Note:
Abecedarian project / Craig T. Ramey
Abilities and aptitudes / Richard E. Snow
Ability grouping / Karen B. Rogers
Abstraction / Patrick C. Kyllonen
Achievement testing / Michael Zieky
Adaptive behavior / Henry Leland
Adaptive behavior, Assessment of / Mary diSibio
Adulthood, Achievement in / Richard Wagner, Rufus L. Carter
African Americans / Melvin N. Wilson
Age and the content of intelligence tests / Bert Hayslip, Jr.
Aging and intelligence / Ulman Lindenberger, Paul B. Baltes
Agnosia / Carol J. Schramke
Alcohol and alcohol abuse / Sara Jo Nixon, Oscar A. Parsons
American Association on mental retardation / Pamela Woodley-Zanthos, Alfred A. Baumeister
American College Test / James Maxey
Anastasi, Anne / Florence Denmark
Animal intelligence : historical perspectives and contemporary approaches / Louis M. Herman, Adam A. Pack
Animal intelligence : primate / Duane M. Rumbaugh, David A. Washburn
Anxiety / Charles D. Spielberger, Sumner J. Sydeman
Aphasia / George W. Hynd, Scott S. Rubin
Aptitude tests / Robert J. Gregory
Aptitude-treatment interaction / Richard E. Snow
Armed services vocational aptitude battery / Gerald Larson
Army alpha and beta tests of intelligence / Frederick L. McGuire
Artificial intelligence / Roger Schank
Artistic ability : children's drawings / Claire Golumb
Asian Americans / Lisa A. Suzuki, Terry B. Gutkin
Athletic ability / Daniel M. Landers
Attention / Steven Yantis
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder / Mark F. Ward
Auditory abilities / Lazar Stankov
Autism / Fred R. Volkmar, Donald J. Cohen
Bayley, Nancy / Lewis P. Lipsitt
Behaviorism / Robert Epstein
Benton, Arthur L / Kerry deS. Hamsher
Bias in testing / Cecil R. Reynolds
Bilingualism / Kenji Hakuta
Binet, Alfred / Joseph D. Matarazzo
Bioecological theory of intelligence / Stephen J. Ceci
Biological measures of intelligence / Joseph D Matarazzo
Birth defects / Joan C. Martin
Birth order, spacing, and family size / Joseph Lee Rodgers, David Rowe
Bond sampling theory of human abilities / William C. Tirre
Brain/ Arthur P. Shimamura, Joan W. Shimamura
Brain, Pathologies of the / Arthur Benton
Brigham, Carl C. / William H. Angoff
Broca, Paul / Manfred Meier, David Kent Mercer
Burt, Cyril L. / Sandra Scarr
Carroll, John B. / Lyle V. Jones
Case reports / Alan S. Kaufman, Nadeen L. Kaufman
Cattell, James McKeen / Robert L. Solso
Cattell, R. B. / Paul Kline
Child and adolescent intelligence / Charles J. Brainerd
Chromosomal abnormalities / Joseph H. Hersh, Alan Bloom, Margaret J. Barch
Classification of intelligence / Robert J. Gregory
Complexity, Cognitive / Peter Suedfeld
Cognitive styles / Nathan Kogan
Cohort effects / Christopher Hertzog
College board / Dean K. Whitla
Compensatory mechanisms / Roger A. Dixon, Lars Bäckman
Competence versus performance / Susan A. Gelman
Connectionism / Mitchell Rabinowitz
Contextualist theories of intelligence / Daniel P. Keating
Creativity / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Crime and delinquency / Lisabeth F. DiLalla, Lorrie A. Nielson
Criminality / James R.P. Ogloff
David G. Schaefer
Cronbach, L. J. / Richard E. Snow
Cross-cultural variations in intelligence / John W. Berry
Culture-fair and culture-free tests / Sandra Scarr
Culture and intelligence / John U. Ogbu
Decision making and judgment / Harriet Shaklee
Development, Cognitive / Robert S. Siegler
Deviation quotient / Joseph D. Matarazzo
Dialectical thinking / Gisela Labouvie-Vief
Differential ability scales / Mark H. Daniel
Doll, Edgar A. / Richard T. von Mayrhauser
Down syndrome / Curtis K. Deutsch
Draw-a-figure test / Patti L. Harrison, Hannelore Schock
Drugs and intelligence / Gary L. Wenk
Dynamic assessment of mental abilities / Jerry S. Carlson
Dyscalculia / Wiley Mittenberg
Dyslexia / Ingrid N. Leckiter
Eastern views of intelligence / J.P. Das
EEG evoked potentials / Hans J. Eysenck
Error of measurement / Edward J. Slawski
Ethnicity, race, and measured intelligence / Lisa A. Suzuki, Damian A. Vraniak
Evolution of human intelligence / Lisabeth DiLalla, Carol Patrick
Experiment design / David Rindskopf
Eysenck, Hans J. / Arthur R. Jensen
Facet theory / Ingwer Borg
Factor analysis / John J. McArdle
Factor analysis of the Wechsler and Stanford-Binet scales / Alan S. Kaufman
Family environments / David C. Rowe, Joseph L. Rodgers
Fetal alcohol syndrome / Heather Carmichael Olson
Fluid and crystallized intelligence, Theory of / John L. Horn
Fluid and crystallized theory of intelligence, Measures of / Richard W. Woodcock
Galton, Francis / Arthur R. Jensen
Gender differences in intellectual abilities / Diane F. Halpern
General aptitude test battery / John E. Hunter
General intelligence / Jan-Eric Gustafson
Genetics, Behavior / John C. Loehlin
Genius / Michael J. A. Howe
Gesell, Arnold / Louise Bates Ames
Giftedness / Frances Degen Horowitz
Gifted and talented students, Evaluation of educational programs for / David M. Fetterman
Glaser, Robert / Lauren Resnick
Goddard, Henry H. / Henry Leland
Goldstein, Kurt / Arthur Benton
Group tests / John Fremer
Guilford, J. P. / Philip R. Merrifield
Guttman, Louis E. / Ruth Guttman
Halstead, Ward Campbell / Ralph M. Reitan
Health and intelligence / Howard S. Freidman
Hebb, Donald O. / Colin M. MacLeod
Hebb's theory of intelligence / Douglas A. Bors
Heritability / Peter H. Schönemann
Hierarchical theories of intelligence / Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Hispanics / Lisa A. Suzuki, Terry B. Gutkin
Hollingworth, Leta S. / Julian C. Stanley
Humphreys, Lloyd G. / Phillip L. Ackerman
Hunt, Joseph McVicker / Ina Č. Užgiris
Hyperactivity / Mark F. Ward
Illiteracy / Jeanne S. Chall, Mary E/ Curtis
Imagery / Ronald A. Finke, Jennifer J. Freyd
Individual tests / Jerome M. Sattler, Naomi G. Singer
Infancy / Marc H. Bornstein
Infant tests as measures of early competence / Henry N. Ricciuti
Information processing / Patrick C. Kyllonen
Insight / Janet E. Davidson
Intelligent quotient / Joseph D. Matarazzo
Interactionist views on intelligence / Jaan Valsiner
Intervention, Infant and preschool / Alice Sterling Honig
Interventions, Later / Raymond S. Nickerson
Intuition / Kenneth S. Bowers
IQ gains over time / James R. Flynn
Japanese / Lisa A. Suzuki, Terry B. Gutkin
Jensen, Arthur R. / Cecil R. Reynolds
Job performance / Malcolm Ree
Kaufman assessment battery for children / Cecil R. Reynolds
Knowledge / Kenneth J. Gilhooly
Language and intelligence / Julie A. Eisele, Dorothy M. Aram
Latent trait theory / Susan Embretson, Paul DeBoeck
Learning disability / Antonia A. Forster
Learning and intelligence / Earl C. Butterfield
Learning potential assessment device / Feuerstein, Reuven
Learning, skill, and transfer / Phillip L. Ackerman
Legal issues in intelligence / Paul J. Hofer
Localization of brain function / Robert A. Bornstein, Anthony M. Podraza
Luria, A. R. / J. P. Das
Mainstreaming / Gary Bunch
Mathematical ability / Richard E. Mayer
McCarthy scales of children's abilities / James S. Gyurke
Measurement and prediction of intelligence / Lloyd G. Humphreys
Mechanical ability / David L. Alderton
Memory / Randall W. Engle
Memory, Exceptional / K. Anders Ericsson
Mental age / Joseph D. Matarazzo
Mental Measurements Yearbook / Joseph D. Matarazzo
Mental retardation, Cultural-familial / Robert M. Hodapp
Mental retardation, Organic / John M. Belmont
Mercer, Jane R. / Cecil R. Reynolds, Beth Murdock
Metacognition / Earl C. Butterfield
Motivation / Carrol E. Izard, Brian P. Ackerman
Motor ability / Lewis P. Lipsitt
Multiple intelligences theory / Howard Gardner
Musical ability / Diana Deutsch
Musical intelligence / Lyle Davidson, Bruce Torff
Native Americans / Damian A. Vraniak
Nature, nurture, and development / Robert Plomin
Nueropsychology, Clinical / Ralph M. Reitan, Deborah Wolfson
Norms / Richard W. Woodcock
Nutrition / Henry N. Ricciuti
Occupations / Rene Dawis
Parenting and intelligence / Wendy M. Williams
Perception / Lynn A. Cooper
Personality assessment / George Frank
Philosophical views of intelligence / Daniel N. Robinson
Philosophy for children / Matthew Lipman
Piaget, Jean / Chantal Bruchez-Hall, Howard E. Gruber
Piagetian theory of development / Bärbel Inhelder, Hermina Sinclair
Practical intelligence / Richard Wagner
Practice effects / Alan S. Kaufman
Primary mental abilities theory / Joan B. Carroll
Problem finding / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Problem solving / Richard E. Mayer
Prodigies / David Henry Feldman
Profile interpretation / Robert J. Mayer
Project intelligence / Raymond S. Nickerson
Psychiatric disorders / Robert A. Bornstein
Psychometric theories of intelligence / Nathan Brody
Psychometrics / Roger E. Millsap
Psychophysical measures of intelligence / Naftali Raz
Psychophysicological measures of intelligence / John Kounios
Quick measures of intelligence / Gary J. Robertson
Race and intelligence / Edmund W. Gordon, Maitrayee Bhattacharyya
Race and IQ scores / Arthur R. Jensen
Radex theory / Ruth Guttman
Rational thinking / Jonathan Baron
Raven progressive matrices / John H. Court
Reaction time / Philip Anthony Vernon
Reading / Charles A. Perfetti
Reasoning, Deductive / Ruth M. J. Byrne
Reasoning, Inductive / Richard E. Mayer
Reasoning, Moral / Elliot Turiel
Regional differences / Cecil R. Reynolds , Elizabeth Murdoch James
Reliability / Cecil R. Reynolds
Savants / Michael J. A. Howe
Scholastic assessment tests / Sylvia T. Johnson
Schooling / Stephen J. Ceci
Serial and parallel processing / J. P. Das
Sex chromosomal abnormalities / John Money
Simon, Herbert A. / Kenneth Kotovsky
Situated cognition / Gary M. Olson
Social policy, intelligence, and testing / Michael J. Feuer
Socialization of intelligence / Lynn Okagoki
Socioeconomic status and intelligence / Eric Turkheimer
Spatial ability / David F. Lohman
Spearman, Charles Edward / Arthur R. Jensen
Speediness / Ted Nettelbeck
Stability of intelligence / Bert Hayslip, Jr.
Stages of cognitive development / Charles J. Brainerd
Standardization / Malcolm Ree
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition / Naomi G. Singer, Jerome M. Sattler
Statistical concepts / Robert Cudeck, Lisa L. O'Dell
Street intelligence / Terezinha Nunes
Structure-of-intellect model / Talia Ben-Zeev
System of multicultural pluralistic assessment / Jane R. Mercer
Terman, Lewis M. / John F. Feldhusen
Terman's giftedness study / David M. Fetterman
Test-taking strategies / Lloyd Bond
Testing in government and industry / Joseph Zeidner
Thomson, Godfrey W. / Lloyd G. Humphreys
Thomson's random overlap theory / Lloyd G. Humphreys
Thorndike, Edward L / Robert M. Thorndike
Thurstone, L. L. / Patricia Ruzgis
Triadic theory of ability structure / Raymond B. Cattell
Twin studies of intelligence / Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr.
Two-factor theory / Philip Anthony Vernon
Validity / Pamela Moss
Verbal ability / Janet Starr Campito
Vernon, Philip E. / Philip Anthony Vernon
Vocational abilities / Jo-Ida C. Hansen, Deborah G. Betsworth
Vygotskian theories of intelligence / Herbert Pick, Julia B. Gippenreiter
Vygotsky, Lev / Herbert Pick, Julia B. Gippenreiter
WAIS-R subtests / James E. Lindemann
Wechsler, David / Allen Jack Edwards
Wechsler Scales of Intelligence / Aurelio Prifitera
Wisdom, Psychology of / Ursula Staudinger, Paul B. Baltes
Woodcock-Johnson tests of cognitive ability - revised / Kevin S. McGrew
Work force, Intelligence in the / Richard Wagner, Zack Loukides
Yerkes, Robert M. / Richard T. von Mayrhauser.
Subject: Intellect Encyclopedias
Intelligence levels Encyclopedias
Intelligence Encyclopedias English
Intelligence Encyclopédies
Niveau intellectuel Encyclopédies

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